RCSM can be your best trusted and preferred Digital eLearning Market Place ..


Learn anything

Whether you want to develop as a professional or discover a new hobby, there's an online course.

Flexible learning

Get a custom learning plan tailor to fit your busy life. Learn at your own pace and reach your goal.

Learn with experts

Meet experts from a top university and cultural institutions, who'll share their experience.

Become Future Ready

At a time when students prefer online education platforms, our teachers became future-ready with their own app.

A National Brand

Our teachers are no more limited within their city or state, with RCSM they go from a local to a national brand.

Grow your teaching business by 5x

Create your online presence backed by features that make it easier for you to manage students, increase transaction, and grow your business

[eplus_info-box style=”2″ featured=”no” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-store-alt” short_desc=”RCSM is an education marketplace for educators to create, manage, advertise and sell their events courses either online or offline with an integrated E-Learning Management System.” title=”Education Market Place”][eplus_info-box style=”2″ featured=”no” icon_type=”linecons” short_desc=”Funds are safely deposited directly to your verified account.” title=”Payment Security & Secure Payment Methods” icon_linecons=”vc_li vc_li-banknote”][eplus_info-box style=”2″ featured=”no” icon_type=”typicons” short_desc=”Get Support from support for account setup, publish courses and account management and much more.” title=”Assist you at every step of the process” icon_typicons=”typcn typcn-th-large”]
[eplus_info-box style=”2″ featured=”no” icon_type=”openiconic” short_desc=”When Course listing is done after the signup process with our RCSM platform your courses reach globally.” title=”Sell Your Courses Globally.” icon_openiconic=”vc-oi vc-oi-sun-inv”][eplus_info-box style=”2″ featured=”no” icon_type=”openiconic” short_desc=”Once your Courses publishes/list on the marketplace we start all kinds of courses selling campaigns for our new and existing users so they can view, compare and buy.” title=”Advertised & Get Your Products Noticed” icon_openiconic=”vc-oi vc-oi-eye”][eplus_info-box style=”2″ featured=”no” icon_type=”linecons” short_desc=”RCSM eLearning Marketplace is a one-stop-solution for market & reach your courses globally. We have the expertise to translate our passion into success for our course sellers.” title=”Don’t Need a For Individual Branding Efforts” icon_linecons=”vc_li vc_li-world”]

Create and start listing your Courses

Student can view and buy all kinds of courses listed by our Teacher/Instructor on our website and application (iOS & Andriod)

How to start selling your courses?

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Why teach on Marketplace?

RCSM is an Education Marketplace and online course selling & buying platform where all educational community teachers and students coming together from across the globe.

Who can teach on RCSM's Marketplace?

Anyone like Educational YouTubers, online course seller, coaching institutes, home tutors, faculty etc.

What are the steps for for selling the added courses?

Step: 1 sign up for Tutor Account
Step 2 go to the Account tab and update your detail We have given some examples for you” Abbreviations use ex means examples Edit Profile section Full name. Ex Rakesh Sharma Business name: Ex Akash Education Academy Add your bio section Add your bio Ex Master in Biology Education: Ex M.Sc Experience: Ex 15 Years Teaching Field. Ex Grode 1 to 12 Academic Master in Exc Biology Language: Ex English
Step 3 go to Courses tab and click on Add Course Add your course section Course thumbnails: Size 1280X720 Write your course name: Ex Grade 12 Biology Description Ex Full course description Select Category. Course main category Select sub-category: Course subcategory Course price Ex 5000 Discount (96): Ex 10 Language Ex Ex English Certification: Exc No Duration (Month) Ex: 3 Hours (Optional): Ex: 5 Total chapter: Ex 10 Total Videos. Ex: 50 “After successfully submit the above details click on Right Button to submit
Step: 4 Courses Includes section Main sections which include in your all course
Step 5 Courses Covering Topics Write topic by topic name.
Step: 6 Courses Curriculum Importance of your course
Step: 7 Courses FAQ’s Course FAQ’s question for the student
Step: 8 Add Demo Lesson Note: upload your all recorded video in your YouTube channel unlisted section and paste the link here Chapter No: Ex 1 Chapter Name Ex Biology main chapter Now Click on Chapter name: Lesson no: Exc-1 Lesson nomeEx Biology chapter Lesson duration: Ex 23:20 Unlisted link Upload your recorded video in your youtube channel in unlisted section and paste a link in this box
Step 9 Add Course Lesson Some as demo section
Step 10 Add Assignment Upload your study material in any format
Step 11 Create Exam Create your topic Click on topic and add your question
Step: 12 publish your course

What does the course seller mean?

Educational Youtubers, Online Course Seller, Coaching Institutes Home Tutors, and Faculties etc we called as course seller.


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